
We hope you are having a great start to the new year. Spring is on its way. Read on to find out the latest updates from our team.

Update from us

Rebecca our Sustainability Engagement Officer will be going off on maternity leave at the end of March and Saskia our Sustainability Engagement Assistant will be going off on maternity leave at the beginning of April. If you need to contact the Sustainability team please email sustainability@essex.ac.uk, emails will be monitored by the rest of our team. Updates from our team will mainly be through Essex Weekly, our blog page, and on our Instagram and LinkedIn. We also wanted to let you know that this will be the last newsletter sent via this platform.

Sustainability Awareness Week

Sustainability Awareness Week starts on Monday 4 March and runs to Friday 8 March. Head to our Padlet to find out what we have planned for the week. We have planned a couple of workshops, a campus walk, an international climate cafe; with the SU in Colchester and Southend. We also have Essex County Council promoting their carbon cutting app and promote the Love Food Hate Waste campaign.

Instagram name change

The Grounds team have joined our page on Instagram. We have changed our Instagram handle to @uoe_susandgrounds. The Grounds team will be posting on our account to encourage staff and students to go and explore our beautiful grounds.
If you had our old handle on any material that you use, remember to update it.

Carbon literacy sessions

We will be running a session on Monday 4 March 12.00-12.45pm. It is a chance to learn about the climate emergency and carbon footprints. You will also find out about what the university is doing and what steps you can take as an individual. Each person who attends will receive a Carbon Literacy training certificate. Spaces are limited. By taking part in this training you will be helping us work towards our Sustainability Sub Strategy. To book please click on the below link:
• Monday 4 March

If you can't make this session, we have added our carbon literacy training onto Moodle for you to complete in your own time. Remember to answer the question and send the answer to sustainability@essex.ac.uk to receive your certificate.