Tim Fenton

tfenton@essex.ac.uk -
+44 (0) 1206 872096
5NW.5.1, Colchester Campus
Tim Fenton started his journalism career at a freelance agency covering Suffolk and North Essex for regional and national print and broadcast media. He was part of the BBC Essex start-up team in 1986, first as Colchester reporter and then as a news producer in Chelmsford. He moved to BBC Westminster, working as a network Parliamentary and Political Correspondent. Later, he worked for BBC News Online, first as an output editor and then as Managing Editor. He left the BBC to go travelling with his family for a year. He returned to work in various consultancy and interim roles for the BBC and others. For two years he was General Manager of the travel news website, gapyear.com. He continues to work for the BBC on election reporting and editorial complaints. He first taught Journalism at New York University. He co-developed a Journalism MA for the University of Suffolk and co-wrote the original outline for the Multimedia Journalism BA at the University of Essex. In the course of his career he has written for local weeklies and national dailies. He has broadcast live from Old Trafford and the House of Commons. He has made television for Newsnight and Newsround and edited the front page of BBC News Online. As a newsroom manager, he has recruited more than a hundred journalists. On behalf of organisations including the UN and UK Foreign Office, he works to improve the standard of parliamentary reporting in developing democracies around the world.
BSc, Politics, University of Bristol
MBA, University of Bradford
Research and professional activities
Research interests
Parliamentary reporting, the media and democracy
Teaching and supervision
Current teaching responsibilities
Reporting Politics (LT134)
Audio and Video for Broadcast and Online (Single honours) (LT240)
Advanced Practical Journalism (LT312)
Newsroom Practice (LT313)
Multimedia Project (LT314)