UNISON is providing a workshop - STRATEGIES FOR STRESS: Looking after your wellbeing on Tuesday 9 March from 1.00pm to 2.00pm via Teams.

We are probably living through the most challenging times in living memory; living through another Covid-19 lockdown, the harrowing news stories, isolation from colleagues and the challenges of working from home, pressures of home schooling, limited contact with our friends and family and concern for those close to us. 

This workshop will offer you the space to consider the impact of stress on you and will look at some practical tips on how to support your wellbeing during this difficult time.

To sign up for the workshop, please go to Eventbrite.

This workshop is primarily for UNISON members. However, there will be limited spaces for non-members, so colleagues can sign up, but places for non-members will be confirmed depending on demand. Alternatively, colleagues can join Unison.