Our Registrar and Secretary, Bryn Morris, tells us what we’ve got planned to celebrate the title of University of the Year.

Our University won the prestigious title of University of the Year as a result of the hard work and dedication of every member of our community.

It is through our combined efforts and our shared commitment that we have seen our achievements recognised – and so by way of thanks and celebration, we are organising a year full of events.

And to begin our year of revelling with a bang, I want to announce that we will be giving everyone an extra day of annual leave.

The additional day will be given to all staff at all our campuses including our Students’ Union and Campus Services staff. The extra day should be taken during the year in which we are University of the Year i.e. between December 2018 and November 2019. The addition will be added to each member of staff’s leave allocation for 2018/19 and if not taken will be rolled forward into 2019/20.

And the fun doesn’t stop there. We have a host of other celebrations in store for the coming year, including:

• A celebratory tea party at each of our three campuses
• Free ice cream, music and games at our summer picnic
• University of the Year themed Celebrating Excellence events for both academic and professional services colleagues
• A University of the Year badge on all our Graduation materials
• A free Students’ Union event for our students

We’ll be looking to add University of the Year twists to other events throughout the year.

Recognising the contributions of all members of our community in these ways is incredibly important. We’ve achieved this accolade by putting people first and so I hope that everyone will be able to take part in and enjoy our year of celebrations.