Partnership course review

The ongoing monitoring of courses is managed through two key processes:

  1. the annual review of courses
  2. the periodic review of courses, which is usually carried out every five years

Annual review of courses

The annual review of courses (ARCs) brings together on a course level a summary of all developmental activity both undertaken and planned by a partner institution. The ARCs include a review and evaluation of the course, the development of action plans to include areas for improvement and enhancement and the identification of best practices. All ARCs are submitted to the Partnerships team and are reviewed by the Dean or Deputy Dean of Partnerships, who provide feedback to the partner institution on each report.

Partner institutions with larger scale provision (as determined by the Dean of Partnerships) also complete an institutional level annual review. This draws together the key themes from the ARCs and identifies institutional level developments and actions to be taken.

The actions plan from the institutional annual review and if appropriate particular items from the ARC action plans are monitored through the Partnership Quality and Academic Development meetings.

Information about the annual review of courses process is provided for existing partners.

Periodic review

A periodic review is conducted at a course level or for a group of related courses, usually every five years to evaluate and re-approve the course(s) for continuation. The process involves reviewing the continuing validity and relevance of the course aims and learning outcomes. It also ensures that the course continues to provide learning opportunities of an appropriate quality for students. Best practices and areas for improvement are identified and the course team will use the periodic review process to propose changes to the course to position it for delivery over the next five years.

A periodic review event is held and chaired by the Dean or Deputy Dean of Partnerships, or a senior member of staff from the University. The panel includes an external subject expert, a student representative, an academic member of staff from the partner institution who is not a member of the course team under review, an academic member of staff from the University with relevant subject area knowledge and if applicable an employer or professional body representative.

A reflective document is produced by the course team and submitted with supporting documentation for the periodic review panel to consider. During the review the panel will meet with the course team and current or former students on the course under review.

Information about the periodic review process is provided for existing partners.

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