Visiting and honorary academic titles

We may confer visiting and academic titles on those whom have either made an outstanding contribution to the life of the institution or with whom we wish to work to further its goal of excellence in research and excellence in education.

All titles must be conferred in line with the criteria in order to maintain standards of excellence, and accompanied by an agreement setting out obligations and entitlements.

Most titles may be for any length of time to a maximum of three years but subject to annual review, with the exception of Emeritus Professor which is not subject to a formal time limit but will be reviewed periodically.

What do departments need to do?

Departments are responsible for:

  • applying the criteria in the Visiting and Honorary Academic Titles Policy and obtaining necessary supporting evidence.
  • completing the nomination form and submitting to the Executive Dean.
  • issuing an honorary agreement and keeping a record (if the individual requires visa sponsorship then People and Culture will issue this)
  • checking the individual has the relevant immigration permission, if appropriate.

Government Authorised Exchange sponsorship (previously Tier 5) and other visa routes

All visitors to the UK will need relevant Home Office permission to be here, even if they are not employed by the University. Some individuals may require sponsorship to obtain a Government Authorised Exchange visa (GAE) ahead of their visit. Please contact for guidance prior to issuing invitation letters or honorary agreements. If a GAE visa is not suitable for the individual, they should seek independent immigration advice regarding coming to the UK or visit the Home Office website for further information. The University is unable to provide advice in this regard.

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