Occupational Health retention schedule

This schedule covers all records kept by all staff in Occupational Health. It does not cover Health and Safety recordsHealth and Safety recordsHealth and Safety records.


  • WHSW = Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  • OH = Occupational Health 
  • HASAW = Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974
Description of Record Retention Period Reason for retention period Notes
Occupational Health policies and procedures Until the next review is due and the new version replaces the old To ensure foundations of practice Policies and procedures are reviewed as per review cycle and updated accordingly.
General activities
WHSW budget and invoices 6 years To comply with HRMC and companies house The accounts team, Director of Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing, and administration have access to budget information when processing accounts.
General Correspondence 6 years To comply with civil claim period Correspondence will be reviewed after 5 years and if no requests for data have been made and the information is not medically relevant this will data will be destroyed.
Audit notes regarding occupational health clinical records and reports 6 years after termination of employment To comply with civil claim period

To comply with clinical governance procedures within the OH department
The audit notes, which are identified to a case by a unique identifier only, will be kept against a practitioners personal file by the Head of Department for the length of the practitioners employment plus 6 years

Limited audit information relating to individual practitioners will be stored detailing whether audit criteria was met/ not met and subsequent actions taken.
Testing records, repair and service records, reports and action plans in relation to plant, equipment, machinery and processes. Further inspection has taken place which renders the previous one obsolete + 6 years

Statutory (minimum): Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations(PUWER) 1998, states to keep inspection and test reports until superseded, 6(3), or for power presses for 2 years after it was made s. 35.
PUWER 6(3) Civil law: Limitations Act: Records are kept on the OH Shared Drive, stored on Box
Training records

* Sign in sheets

* Content of training courses

6 years Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA)1974 and regulations made under it. Civil law – Limitations Act. Records of training/signature sheets for staff will be kept on HR Organiser and/or on the Occupational Health Box drive.
Risk assessments
Risk Assessments Further assessment has taken place which renders the previous one obsolete + 6 years

Civil law: Limitations Act

Management of health and safety at work regulations (MHSWR)
Control of substances harmful to health (COSHH)

Risk assessment records are kept by the relevant department. Copy of risk assessment, when required for health surveillance records, may be kept by OH 
Clinical information
Health Surveillance clinical records 40 years Civil law: Limitations Act. HASAWA
All health surveillance records are kept on the Cority occupational health system. Original copies of surveillance results are given to the employee upon request.

Any historic paper copies, not available electronically, are kept in a locked cabinet however plans are being made to scan these into the existing electronic OH document system. A health record is given to the line manager detailing whether employees are fit/ not fit and any adjustments advised
Clinical information contained from management referrals At least 6 years unless deemed of medical importance to retain them HASAW Act, MHSWR regulations All clinical information is retained and stored as advised in the Data Protection Act 2018
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