Following a rigorous application process, we were proud to announce at the end of 2023 that we achieved our Race Equality Charter Bronze Award.

While this is fantastic news, our job is not yet complete, nor should any progress we have made be considered sufficient to have fulfilled our race equity ambitions. The work to improve race equality at Essex will be an ongoing institutional priority for many years to come and is something we want to involve as many members of our community in as possible. 

Join the REC SAT

We would, therefore, like to extend the opportunity to participate in the ongoing work of the University’s Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team (REC SAT) to all staff, and particularly welcome expressions of interest from those staff within the Professional Support Services and the Faculty of Science and Health, as these areas are currently under-represented. 

What does it involve?

In terms of time and workload commitment, members of the REC SAT will need to be present at REC SAT meetings (scheduled for 1.5 hours every six weeks) and willing to contribute to various discussions, offering up their feedback, experience, expertise, and ideas with the ultimate goal of improving the University’s provisions for race equality. Leadership opportunities for career development will be possible, but not compulsory. We ask that members of staff seek their line manager’s approval in advance of expressing interest in the role and encourage all line managers to promote and prioritise this important development opportunity within their teams. 

More about the Race Equality Charter 

The Race Equality Charter aims to improve the representation, progression and success of Black and Minority Ethnic staff and students within Higher Education and focuses on academic staff, professional and support staff, student progression and awarding, and diversity of the curriculum. 

Read blogs from our REC SAT members Ai Gooch, Cara Booker and Winifred Eboh