We’ve amalgamated the security teams at our Colchester, Southend and Loughton campuses so we can provide a joined up approach to the way services are delivered across our community.

The teams have been amalgamated through the operational management of our Colchester Campus under the direction of Tom Brown, Head of Security and Campus Safety.

This new approach has allowed our teams to become more flexible and dynamic in their delivery of services, ensuring best practice and the most effective and customer focused approach for all our students, staff and visitors.

Some of our key focuses will initially include the increase of customer engagement and the delivery of key training programmes recognising the ever changing landscape within the sector.

Chris Oldham, our Director of Estates and Campus Services, said “An incredible amount of work has been undertaken across the security teams in order to develop our service. A great example of partnership working across our campuses and a One University approach”.

Throughout the current COVID-19 crisis, the teams have continued to work tirelessly to provide a 24/7 service on campus in support the universities operations. The team have also been preparing for a very different start to the academic year, recognising the challenges and continually aiming to improve their service provision. Specific training has included internal process and procedure updates, wellbeing, fire safety, evacuation chair, safeguarding and much more.

All the teams have also been refreshed through a 3-day first aid at work course and we will be carrying out more training each month to make best use of the time available. We want our officers to be in the best position possible to support our staff and students returning to our campuses in October.

“Our officers have put in maximum effort during all the training sessions and learnt a lot of new knowledge, skills and experiences; they have had their boundaries pushed in live scenario training and something all can be proud of in their conduct of these”, said Tom Brown, Head of Security and Campus Safety.