Thinking of leaving the University? Get support

If you're thinking about leaving Essex, we're here to support you and give you the advice you need to help you make an informed choice. 

Who to speak to

We want to make sure you're aware of all the options available to you to help you make an informed decision. There are also a number of things you'll need to consider if you're thinking of leaving.

Help and support

Think about what's making you feel like you want to leave. University life doesn’t only include academic matters, money and living arrangements. There are other things that could put you in this position, but it's often possible to get help and make changes that enable you to continue.

Academic worries

Your course

Your course/module isn't what you expected

Some modules have to cover a range of topics to provide a basis for all the new students on the course. Talk to your module lecturer, supervisor or Personal Tutor to clarify what topics will be covered for the rest of the module and why it's been included in the course. For instance, a module might be a pre-requisite that allows you to pursue the subjects that you're interested in in future.

Your course seems too difficult or too easy

Speak with your supervisor, lecturer or Personal Tutor.

  • If you're finding it difficult, tell them what you're finding difficult and ask what support is available.
  • If you're finding it easy, ask them about how the degree of difficulty will change over time.

Studying at university isn't what you expected

Studying at university can be quite different from school or college. You have several people who can help you:

If you're an undergraduate student, you can email your Peer Mentor to ask them about how they have learnt to study at university.

Course relevance to your career aspirations

Sometimes your first-year modules don’t seem as relevant to the career you want to pursue. Speak with your Employability Director (academic member of staff within your Department) about how your course relates to future job opportunities. If you're not sure who to speak with in your Department, ask your Personal Tutor, Departmental Student Administrator or a lecturer.

You can also speak with staff in the Employability and Careers Centre.

Coursework problems

It's common to worry about coursework. For instance, you might not understand the feedback you've received. Don’t be embarrassed about asking for help.

Contact your lecturer

You can email the lecturer who set the coursework question to arrange an appointment with them. (This is likely to be during their office hours, so check the day and time of your lecturer’s office hours before emailing them.)

Before you meet with them, write down specific questions so that you can use your meeting constructively. This will help you to know exactly what you need to do next. Take any assignment feedback that they have given you in the past so that you can receive concrete guidance about how to move forward. When you meet with them, write down their answers to your questions so you know that you’ve understood them before you leave the meeting.

Essay writing, maths and English language help

Academic skills support

You can also get support with academic skills, such as writing, English language, maths and statistics. The Skills for Success team run a series of workshops and drop-in support which you can access at your campus.

Exam worries

It's common to worry about taking exams.

If you think you have a specific learning difficulty, eg dyslexia

Time management

You may feel that there is too much free time in your week and that it feels like a waste of time. Alternatively, you might feel that you are always running out of time and missing deadlines.

  • Think about your time management strategies and how you approach self-directed study.
  • You can talk to advisers in the Skills for Success team about effective techniques to use.
  • If you're a first-year undergraduate student contact your Peer Mentor for advice on how they approach their studies. Your Peer Mentor’s contact details are on the poster in your Department. If you can’t recall who they are, ask your Peer Mentor Coordinator.
  • Speak with your department about what else you can do to make your time worthwhile. 
  • There are many opportunities to get involved during your time at University so that you can develop skills and knowledge both in and out of the classroom. This will help with your CV and also personal satisfaction:


  1. Speak with your Residents’ Assistant (RA) in Residence Life. You can find out who your Residents’ Assistant is on the noticeboard in your kitchen. If you are unable to locate the poster please email
  2. If things aren't resolved with your RA, contact your Residence Life senior staff team. Their contact details are also on your kitchen noticeboard.
  3. If necessary, you can also come and speak in confidence to an adviser in your Student Services Hub.
  4. See our guidance on communal living.

Accommodation after your first year

SU Homes can help you find accommodation off-campus or you can apply to live on campus after your first year.


You might be worried that you're running out of money, you're unsure how to budget or your funding/support hasn’t arrived. Specialist advisers are based at your Student Services Hub.

Health and wellbeing

You can speak in confidence to an adviser about a range of health and wellbeing difficulties. You may also find the following information helpful.

There is also a range of specific support and guidance for different student communities, such as students with children, student carers and mature and part-time students.

Two woman talking at a helpdesk
Need help?

If you need any further help and advice, please contact or visit the Student Services Hub who will be happy to assist you.