Health and wellbeing

The Workplace Health Safety and Wellbeing (WHSW) team are able to provide support and guidance to Essex staff to help improve your health and wellbeing at work.

For more resources to support the health and wellbeing of staff and students, the WHSW team have created the Wellbeing Directory and Manager Wellbeing Directory, both available via Moodle. If you have suggestions for topics or resources to include please email Occupational Health

Defibrillators (AED)

Learn about the Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) devices installed throughout the University campuses for use in emergencies.


Access to Work

This is a guide aimed at those who wish to apply for Access to Work.

Reasonable Adjustments

Employers have a duty under the Equality Act to make reasonable adjustments to any elements of the job which may place a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled people.

Occupational Health Services

Eyesight test and vouchers

If you use Display Screen Equipment (DSE) you are entitled to a Specsavers Optical Care eVoucher every two years.

Night worker health assessment

Night workers are offered free and confidential health assessments before starting work, on a regular basis or as appropriate.

Occupational Health training

Training available through Occupational Health

Purpose of health surveillance

Health surveillance involves on-going health checks to detect ill-health effects from specific hazards, such as prolonged exposure to noise or vibrating tools.

Types of health surveillance

Examples of the different types of health surveillance, which the University has a duty to monitor the effects of.

Weight Management

Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing is working with the Essex Wellbeing Service to offer University staff a 12 week weight management programme available on campus or via Zoom.

Wellbeing Wednesdays

Wellbeing Wednesdays are sessions which provide staff and students an opportunity to take a break from their day and focus on their own wellbeing.

Wellness Action Plan (WAP)

We aim to create a supportive working environment that maintains and promotes the health and wellbeing of staff.

Mental health and wellbeing

Building resilience

Find out how you can improve your resilience and discover what resources are available to help you.

Dedicated Mental Health First Aiders

A network of dedicated Mental Health First Aiders who offer confidential and informal support to staff on mental health matters.

Employee Assistance Programme

Read about the Employee Assistance Programme, supplied by HealthHero, and access contact details.

Essex Working Well

We work with Essex Working Well who provide a range of eLearning, webinars and competitions aimed at improving staff wellbeing.

External Support Helplines

Where to find advice and guidance on specific topics or issues outside of the University.

Mindful Employer Charter

The University has signed the Charter for Employers who are positive about mental health.

SilverCloud for staff (online cognitive behavioural therapy)

Discover techniques to help you identify mental health issues and activities to help you overcome them.

Trauma support

If you have experienced a traumatic incident you can access support from one of our Trauma Risk Management Practitioners.

Work-related stress

Read about work-related stress, the impact it can have and how to you can prevent it.

Physical health and wellbeing

Alcohol, drugs and substance misuse

Read our policy on alcohol, drugs and substance misuse, and where to find support if needed.

Menopause advice and support

Our menopause guidance aims to strengthen our commitment to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all.

Computer-related muscle or joint problems

The causes and symptoms of muscle or joint problems from working on a computer, and methods to reduce the risk of muscle or joint problems.

No Smoking Policy

The University is committed to creating a high quality, healthy and safe working environment for staff, students and visitors.

Pregnancy advice and support

Occupational support for pregnant employees, and employee/manager responsibilities.

Sports Therapy Clinic

Our fully equipped treatment and rehabilitation centre is designed to cater for the sporty and non-sporty alike.

Wellbeing events
The J.A. Baker Archive
Brutal But Beautiful
Basic Jungian Concepts Course 2024