Equipment safety

The University is required by law to select, test and install work equipment properly, use it carefully and make sure it is maintained, in a safe condition. The following guidance sets out what you need to do to ensure work equipment is used safely at the University.

Work equipment safety

The University is required by law to select, test and install work equipment properly, use it carefully and make sure it is maintained in a safe condition.

Buying work equipment

When you purchase work equipment you are responsible for ensuring it complies with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.

Display screen equipment (DSE)

The University is required by law to ensure that staff who use computers are trained in their safe use and have their workstation assessed for risk to their health.

Electrical safety

The University has a legal obligation to maintain electrical equipment in a safe condition.

Portable appliance testing (PAT) overview

As a student, tenant, contractor or member of staff, you need to be aware of what to do in relation to PAT and the electrical equipment you are responsible for.

Portable appliance testing (PAT) process

It is the responsibility of the Head of Department/section/business unit to ensure PAT is carried out at the appropriate intervals.

PAT information for third parties

External facility management services provided to the University must follow the University’s PAT Standard.

Statutory examination and testing

Some items of work equipment require statutory examination and testing in addition to regular maintenance and pre-use checks.

Research rigs

This guidance is written to address the University’s products which have been designed and made/constructed at the University, such as research equipment and rigs (research rigs) that are for workplace use only.