Why Essex?

Over a third of our student population comes from outside of the UK so you'll feel right at home at Essex. Many of our Taiwanese students are studying courses in our Department of Government, Essex Business School, School of Philosophical, Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies, and the Department of Language and Linguistics.

Entry requirements


Previous university/junior college study is required in addition to local high school qualifications for our Undergraduate Bachelor degree courses.

We accept a number of international qualifications, including the International Baccalaureate with the majority of our courses requiring a grade between 29 - 32; the AP with a minimum of 3 APTs with two at 3 or above and one at 4 or above; or the SAT with the majority of our courses requiring a minimum of 1100 out of 1600 with 550 in each test.

Some courses have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team admit@essex.ac.uk

We also offer a range of Foundation Programmes which can lead to entry to our undergraduate degrees, please visit University of Essex International College for further information.

Postgraduate Taught

Many of our Postgraduate Taught Masters will consider applicants with 70% or above from a national institution or 75% or above from other institutions from Bachelor degree. Some courses and departments have higher entry requirements as well as other admissions criteria. Please see individual courses for more information or email our admissions team pgadmit@essex.ac.uk

We also have a range of Foundation Programmes available if you do not meet these grades. Please visit University of Essex International College for further information.


Postgraduate Research

For entry to Research degrees, please refer to the entry requirements for the course that you are interested in. 

An undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK 2:2 (see the information above), and a master’s degree with a good grade is required for most PhD programmes, in addition to a well-developed research proposal in a field in which we can offer supervision. Please have a read through our information for PhD applicants and check the course details for your chosen programme for further information about entry criteria.

Scholarships and funding

Our South East Asia Scholarship scheme offers scholarships worth £3,000 for undergraduate students from South East Asian countries. In order to qualify for this scholarship, applicants must actively make Essex their firm choice by 15 September 2024. Please visit the link for further details about deadlines and eligibility. 

Our Vice-Chancellor's Global Talent Scholarship is a competitive scholarship offering successful candidates a 50% tuition fee discount on their tuition fees for the first year of study. The scholarship is open to undergraduate and master's applicants. Please visit the scholarship link for further information and to access the application form. 

Our undergraduate Global Partner Scholarship scheme offers up to a 20% tuition fee discount for students joining us from our partner universities in Taiwan. Please refer to the link for details of discount amounts and other terms and conditions.

Our Academic Excellence International Masters Scholarship scheme offers a £4,000 tuition fee discount to postgraduate students from Taiwan achieving 70% (from a national institution)/75% (from other institutions) at Bachelor's level.

Our postgraduate Global Partner Scholarship scheme offers a £3,000 tuition fee discount to students from Taiwan joining us through selected partner institutions. Please refer to the terms and conditions for further eligibility information.

Please visit our Scholarships pages for information about additional funding opportunities.

Why should you study here?

Central London is easily accessible from all of our campuses
Diverse and multicultural campus with great facilities
We have a range of job opportunities giving you first hand work experience whilst you study
Students chatting
Students' Union gathering
Two people looking at a computer

Hear from our students and alumni

Hsu Chi-Rou posing in front of a tree
我是芷柔(Emily)在台灣是機械碩士畢業且有機械工程師的相關經驗,想再進修和轉換跑道。Essex 的Artificial Intelligence - 課程的實作成分很高,作業量也不少,每門課幾乎都要完成1/2份的程式碼,建議有些基礎程式背景較佳。學校的世界學術排名雖然不高,但在英國本地也算是排名前面的學校,且在 AI 和 Robotics 的研究與實務聲望高。當初選擇Essex是因為學校重視產業與學術的結合,是實務性較高的學校。學校新創中心(Innovation Centre)與職業中心(Career hub),提供很多就業與創業的資源。Essex Colchester campus就坐落在Wivenhoe Park,小城鎮民風純樸,適合專心學習。校區距離倫敦大約 1 小時的火車車程,非常靠近。學費便宜,生活費也非常便宜。
Fang Yi-Wei
想找間理想的學校一圓遊學夢嗎?要以學生為中心?又要有友善校園環境?還要交通方便容易抵達?讓艾塞克斯大學(University of Essex)一次滿足所有要求。我還記得在入學面試時,考官問我:「為什麼選擇艾塞克斯大學。回答:「對於遠赴他鄉就學的國際學生來說,選大學並不是單看學術表現就可以輕易了事,同時還要考慮學校的支持系統及學生服務。因為我知道在艾塞克斯就讀,學校會把我照顧得很好,我不需要為學業以外的事情擔心,可以全心全意的專注在課業上。>經過了一年,究竟當初的承諾有沒有兌現呢?就我而言,不僅有,還比我預期的更好。2020是受到疫情影響的一年,對於異地求學的我而言,「第二個家」可以提供給我多少協助,是支持我撐完學業的關鍵。在學業方面,艾塞克斯大學因應疫情迅速的調整上課方式,使我可以如期順利完成學業;其次,校園服務雖然受到些許影響,但重要且必須服務皆照常提供,這些都展示了學校以學生為中心的精神。想像一下,如果你想要全力衝刺學業,卻同時要擔心個人安全,還要害怕因為學校關閉而導致學業中斷,這種處境會讓人多麼無助。在艾塞克斯大學,這些擔心害怕都是多餘的,因為就算校園裡只剩幾個學生,學校給學生的服務與支持都不會改變。如果有幸再出國進修一次,我還是會選擇艾塞克斯大學,因為在學校的一年是我人生中最美的記憶,雖然一年不長,但記憶的美好卻值得一生回味。

Meet us in Taiwan

16:00 - 18:00, 21 June 2024 -  Taiwan Pre-departure Briefing

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with your country contact named below with any questions.

You can also get in touch on WhatsApp: +60162223571 or Line ID: uniofessex_sea.

Kevin Tan
Get in touch
Kevin Tan Taiwan country contact
Telephone: +603 7493 0805