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Offer Holder Days

Four female students with their arms around each other, laughing and smiling for the camera

Get to know us at an Offer Holder Day!

Our Offer Holder Days for 2024 entry are now finished. Invites for our 2025 offer holders will start being sent out in December 2024.

Our Offer Holder Days are exclusive invite-only offer-holder events for undergraduate 2025 entry, that give you the opportunity to tour our campus and accommodation, chat to current students and meet academic staff within your department to get a feel for your course.

They're not compulsory, but they're the best and only way to get hands-on experience of your subject and meet your future classmates, so you'll have some friendly faces on day one of your course!

Even if you've already visited us before at an Open Day or on a Campus Tour, we'd still love to see you! See the place you could be calling home.

Offer Holder Day dates and programmes vary between our Colchester and Southend campuses. When bookings open, you'll receive lots of information about what you can expect on the day.

Student Ambassador speaking to a group
Go on a campus tour with one of our Student Ambassadors
Lecturer talking to a group of students
Find out more about your course during your departmental activity
Individuals in a lecture theatre
Join a talk to learn more about studying and life at university

Frequently asked questions

What if I have multiple applications?

If you have multiple applications, you will be attending the Offer Holder Day for your first choice. The morning section of the day will be spent with your department, whilst the afternoon is your chance to attend a variety of general talks and explore campus.

What if I have an offer for a joint honours degree?

If you have applied for a joint honours degree, please attend the departmental session relating to your first-choice course. You will get an opportunity to speak with academics from your second course over lunch. For example, if you have an offer for Law and Business, please join the Law departmental session.

What is a contextual offer and how do I get one?

An Offer Holder Day gives us the opportunity to get to know you, explore your enthusiasm and academic potential. We would be delighted to see you and will issue eligible applicants who attend, a contextual offer to lower the requirements in your current offer by up to two A-Level grades or equivalent. 

We make contextual offers because we understand your grades can be influenced by a range of factors. A contextual offer is personalised to you and your potential to succeed as an Essex undergraduate student – as well as what you have achieved so far.

You don’t need to do anything to be considered and the application process is the same; submit your application and if you’re eligible for a contextual offer, you’ll receive information about this in your offer letter. If you are not eligible for a contextual offer at the point of your first offer but can be made a contextual offer following an Offer Holder Day, your offer will be amended within 5 working days following attendance.

Contextual offers will be made to eligible applicants taking A-levels, a Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma, a combination of qualifications that hold UCAS tariff points (e.g., A-levels alongside a BTEC) and the International Baccalaureate. Where possible, we may make contextual offers to eligible applicants holding other qualifications. For further information about what a contextual offer may look like for your specific qualification profile, please contact our Admissions team.

Further information, and full eligibility criteria, can be found in our Contextual Offers Policy.

Get in touch
Our Offer Holder Days Team
Telephone: 01206 876818