Interacting with the World

Cross-cultural studies

A woman wearing a gold and purple sari throwing up coloured powder at a Holi festival.

Moving countries has a huge impact on people

How does knowing two languages affect your ability to produce language?

  • What effects does it have on you when you live abroad?
  • Growing up with two cultures: does it affect your well-being?
  • Is emotional speech comprehension comparable across different cultures?
  • Do you prefer to listen to someone from your own culture?
  • How stressful is a cultural transition?
  • Different cultures, different values?

Our interest in cross-cultural research is broad and encompasses these and other questions. Our academics are leading figures in their fields and employ a mutli-method approach to studying these questions. They also carry out research in related areas including communication and language, and political psychology.

Recent publications





A close up of a microphone with a blurred crowded room in the background.
Understanding Our Place In The World: The Essex Psychology Podcast Series

This podcast series from the Department of Psychology brings together experts in the department to discuss how psychology research gives insight into a range of issues, from maintaining relationships in lockdown, to the thought processes that are linked to conspiracy theory beliefs.

View our podcast episodes