Promoting social justice in the community with the ultimate pro bono student experience.

Legal advice is often needed by the many, but only accessible to the few. The Essex Law Clinic's purpose is to deliver justice to the local community by giving law students a unique opportunity to provide free professional, valuable, support to those who need it most. The outcome? Free advice is available to the public, and our students receive the ultimate real-life legal experience that will set them up to be at the forefront of a new generation of lawyers.

Whilst the core purpose of the Clinic is to provide free legal advice, we also partner with local organisations to deliver outreach projects in the community and provide education about the law. Our goal is to help people learn how they can avoid problems arising in the first place, or have the knowledge to take action and resolve any issues they experience themselves or are confronted with. We hope that this will give people the confidence to advocate for justice, lead campaigns to change the law, and investigate any miscarriages of justice.

Our dedication to delivering a quality education to our students and ensuring access to justice for our local community is showcased by the prestigious family law award nomination received by Liz Fisher-Frank, our Acting Director of the Law Clinic. She was highly commended for this community integration award in recognition of her outstanding award in recognition of her outstanding provision of family law legal services through the Essex Law Clinic.

Please note the Essex Law Clinic is fully booked in all areas of law at this time and will not be booking any new appointments. The Essex Law Clinic is closed to clients from 1 July to 31 August 2024. Clients may send an email to for a list of signpost agencies that may be able to assist during our closure.


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Areas of law we cover:
Family law Housing Immigration law Personal injury Consumer law Employment law Equality issues Welfare benefits Wills and probate

What our
clients are saying

“Thank you so much for your advice, help and kindness during the process.”
“I found the service at the clinic to be extremely professional yet friendly and reassuring."
“I tried to get other advice but no one would help me except at the Law Clinic and was the best advice a person could ever receive.”
Bricks on the exterior of the Silberrad Student Centre.
View of the library from the lake
This is a photo overlooking one of the lakes on the Colchester Campus, surrounded by trees and plants, with a fountain in the middle of the lake.
Essex Law Clinic Group Members
Where it all began

From it's launch in 2008, the Clinic's objectives are to enhance access to justice while providing students with experience in putting their legal knowledge into practice, learning legal skills and developing ethical awareness. In 2022, this remains a fundamental objective of the Essex Law Clinic.

Read the article
People at the Law Clinic Reception
Talk to our team

Got a question? Don't leave it unanswered. Our team's here to give you any advice and information you need. Let us help you be knowledgable, and confident in your next steps.