When Michail moved from Greece to the UK to study BSc Business Management, his first challenge was overcoming the new (much chillier) weather... After purchasing a big coat, Michail has thrived during his time at Essex. As an active member of multiple sports clubs and societies, a student ambassador and an aspiring business owner, there’s no doubt that Michail is going to go far!

What encouraged you to come to Essex Business School?

Several things inspired me to explore Essex Business School and then apply here. The school's excellent reputation for its business management programs was a major factor. It’s ranked as top 150 in the world for Business and Economics (The World University Rankings by subject 2023) which caught my attention, alongside the fact I had heard great things from alumni.

The diverse and inclusive learning environment at Essex also appealed to me. The school's commitment to fostering a global perspective and promoting inclusivity aligns with my personal values and goals. I believed that studying in such an environment would provide me with a well-rounded education and valuable cross-cultural experiences. This, and EBS’s approach of combining theory with practical experiences through placements, case studies, and engagement with industry experts, has helped me feel my time here at EBS is preparing me for a successful career in the business world.

Michail standing in front of plants and trees

Why did you to choose to study BSc Business Management?

From a young age, I have been intrigued by the world of business and entrepreneurship. I find the dynamics of how organisations operate, make strategic decisions, and adapt to a constantly changing environment fascinating. This passion for business naturally led me to explore academic options in this field.

The modules in this course clearly aligned with my career goals and my aspiration to launch my own business someday. A degree in business management is an ideal foundation for achieving these goals, as the versatility of the course allows me to explore different aspects of business, such as marketing, finance, human resource management, and sustainable operations.

How was the move from Greece to UK?

It was a significant adjustment, but it has been a positive and enriching experience overall. While there were challenges, the opportunity to learn and grow in a different country has been one of the highlights of my academic journey.

Firstly, the weather was a big adjustment! Greece enjoys a Mediterranean climate with lots of sunshine, while the UK is known for its often rainy and cloudy weather and this change in climate required quite a wardrobe update!

Moving abroad for studies also meant gaining a significant level of independence. I had to manage my finances, learn how to budget, maintain my accommodation, and face daily responsibilities without my family and friends from home. However, this independence helped me grow as an individual and become more self-reliant, because of this I feel I have grown significantly in self-confidence.

Are you involved in any sports or societies?  

I have joined the boxing and volleyball teams, as well as the LGBTQ and the public speaking societies. Getting involved with sports and societies has been incredibly fulfilling, allowing me to grow as an individual, make lifelong friends, and contribute to causes I am passionate about. It has enriched my university experience in ways I could not have anticipated. To me, finding the right sports team or society can sometimes take a bit of exploration, but it is well worth the effort. Once you find your niche, you will discover a world of opportunities, friends and experiences that will leave a lasting impact on your university journey.

Have you tried any volunteering opportunities?

Yes, the Students Union has a range of volunteering options for students. Firstly, I helped at a local farm where we contributed to taking care of the farm and the animals in it. The experience was wholesome and made me feel like I was doing something that mattered, and I found it very therapeutic. The second one was with SU advice where I did administrative work and sometimes attended consulting sessions for students with various issues either personal or professional. This experience helped me gain some valuable skills that I can use in future workplaces.

What advice would you give to others applying to university?

Begin your university application process well in advance of application deadlines, mark application deadlines on your calendar and make sure to submit your applications on time.

Research programs, gather required documents, and prepare your application materials early to avoid last-minute stress.

If possible, attend university Open Days or campus visits to get a feel for the campus, meet faculty and students, and ask questions about the program.

Do not hesitate to seek guidance from teachers, school counsellors if you have questions or need advice during the application process.

Take your time, be thorough, and showcase your strengths and passion for your chosen field in your application materials.