Research governance

Research integrity

The University is committed to undertaking high quality research in an environment of high standards of research integrity, governance and good practice.


Sharing research data

Find out about sharing research data via the University's Research Data Repository.

Research data management plans

Many funders now require, as part of their data policy, that a data management and sharing plan is submitted as part of each research grant application.

Ethical approval

Ethical approval: resources for applicants

Details ethical approval review processes, including ethics review, HRA review and MoD ethics review.

Ethical approval: resources for committees

Details of the Ethics Committee's role, activities, members and sub-committees.

Research participant information and consent

Supply prospective participants with as much information as possible to enable them to make an informed choice about their possible involvement.

Risk assessment

Research risk assessment

Principal investigators and researchers must identify reasonably foreseeable risks associated with their research and control the risks so far as is reasonably practicable.

Security-sensitive research materials

Security-sensitive research materials

Find out which materials are recognised as security-sensitive research materials.

Registration process of security-sensitive research materials

Purpose of the Registration Process, to whom does this guidance apply and what you need to do.

Trusted Research

Trusted Research

Trusted Research refers to principles and policies that support the integrity of international research collaborations for UK research institutions.