
Dr Alexandros Antoniou

Senior Lecturer
Essex Law School
Dr Alexandros Antoniou



Dr. Alexandros Antoniou is a Senior Lecturer in Media Law with a keen focus on the dynamic intersections of communications law, advertising regulation and intellectual property asset management. As a legal correspondent for the European Audiovisual Observatory, Alexandros provides expert insights into the evolving landscape of media law, regulation, and intellectual property. Alexandros earned his PhD in Law from City University London, complemented by an MA in Cultural and Creative Industries from King’s College London and an LLM in Media Law from The City Law School. His academic journey began with a law degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. This diverse academic foundation underpins his interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research. With a proven record of academic leadership, Alexandros has held esteemed positions at Birkbeck, University of London, and Glasgow Caledonian University. His contributions to the passage of the UK's Online Safety Bill (now been passed into law as the Online Safety Act 2023) as well as the groundbreaking Designing Out Crime project (spearheaded by the Design Council in collaboration with the Home Office's Design and Technology Alliance Against Crime) highlight his commitment to innovative and impactful research. A Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Accredited Mediator, Alexandros combines rigorous scholarship with practical acumen, making significant contributions to academia and beyond.


  • PhD in Law City University London,

  • MA in Cultural & Creative Industries King's College London,

  • LLM in Media Law City University London,

  • Degree in Law National & Kapodistrian University of Athens,


University of Essex

  • Research Visibility Officer, School of Law, University of Essex (3/10/2018 - 30/9/2024)

  • Student Progress Lead, School of Law, University of Essex (1/10/2020 - 1/9/2021)

  • Academic Offences Officer, School of Law, University of Essex (2/10/2017 - 2/10/2018)

Other academic

  • External Examiner, Law, Policing and Justice, University of East London (1/10/2024 - present)

  • External Examiner, School of Law, BPP University (30/9/2018 - 30/9/2022)

  • External Examiner, School of Law, University of Buckingham (3/4/2017 - 5/4/2021)

  • External Examiner, School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences, Canterbury Christ Church University (1/4/2021 - 3/4/2023)

Research and professional activities

Research interests

Communications Law

Defamation, confidentiality, privacy and data protection, communications offences, contempt of court (with a particular interest in juror misconduct and internet publications), reporting restrictions and lifetime anonymity orders

Intellectual Property Law and Asset Management

Trade marks, passing off, business goodwill and reputation, luxury brands and intellectual property, exploitation of intellectual property rights, trade secrets


Cybercrime and offensive content, obscene publications, extreme pornographic images, legal control of image-based sexual abuse

Media Ethics and Media Regulation

Advertising regulation (with a particular interest in issues around harm and offence), press regulation, broadcast regulation, news-gathering avoiding unjustified intrusion, the law against harassment, prohibitions on intrusion into grief and shock

Conferences and presentations

Seduction and Sensibility: Charting the Frontier of Acceptability in Sexual Representations in Advertising

Understanding Offence: Delimiting the (Un)sayable, Institute of Advanced Study, 22/3/2024

Influencers' #Ad-ventures and Advertising Regulation

Invited presentation, The Society of Legal Scholars 2023 Annual Conference, Oxford Brookes University, 29/6/2023

Advertising standards and toxic masculinity as a social problem in the #MeToo era

Law & Society Association Annual Meeting 2019, Washington D.C., United States, 31/5/2019

Tackling illegal live-streaming: present and future

Invited presentation, The Age of Stream: Exploring the production and exploitation of music in the streaming-based landscape, Norwich, United Kingdom, 26/7/2018

Privacy in the contemporary celebrity-centred culture: Hulk Hogan and the demise of Gawker Media

Invited presentation, Privacy and Law in a Changing Social Context Seminar Series, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 7/11/2017

Killed by the Subhuman: Jane Longhurst's Murder and the Construction of the Extreme Pornography Problem in the British National Press

Invited presentation, Extreme Masculinities International Conference 2017, Vienna, Austria, 30/9/2017

Died at 16, Buried 40 Years Later: The Press Construction of the Murder of Greek Celebrity N. Sergianopoulos

American Society of Criminology 2015 Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., United States, 19/11/2015

Died at 16, Buried 40 Years Later: The Press Construction of the Murder of Greek Celebrity Nikos Sergianopoulos

American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting 2015, Washington D.C., United States, 19/11/2015

Extreme Pornography and Prosecution Practice in England & Wales

Law & Society Association 2014 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, United States, 30/5/2014

Laundering Sexual Deviance: Targeting Online Pornography through Anti-Money Laundering

European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference 2012, Odense, Denmark, 23/8/2012

The British Obscenity Law and the British Board of Film Classification: The Acquittal of Michael Peacock

Understanding Britain 2012: First Annual British Studies Conference, Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom, 22/6/2012

Lady Chatterley's Lover on Both Sides of the Atlantic: Resolving Issues of Literary Merit through the Courts

First Graduate Student Conference in Comparative Literature, London, United Kingdom, 2/6/2010

Teaching and supervision

Current teaching responsibilities

  • Human Rights Clinic (HU902)

  • Media Law (LT133)

  • Advanced Media Law and Ethics (LT237)

  • Comparative Media Law and Regulation (LT431)

  • Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law (LW340)

  • Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law (LW655)


Journal articles (19)

McGlynn, C., Woods, L. and Antoniou, A., Pornography, the Online Safety Act 2023 and the Need for Further Reform. The Journal of Media Law, 1-29

Antoniou, A., (2024). Navigating freezones in the influencerdom: a shadowlands guide. Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 29 (1), 8-21

Antoniou, A., (2024). The registration of an iconic movie theme as a trade mark: only ‘diamonds are forever'. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management. 14 (3), 300-308

Antoniou, A., (2024). When Likes Go Rogue: Advertising Standards and the Malpractice of Unruly Social Media Influencers. The Journal of Media Law. 16 (1), 74-117

Antoniou, A., (2023). The MeToo movement and the public interest defence in libel. Entertainment Law Review (UK). 34 (6), 191-194

Antoniou, A., (2022). Let’s take a new sip: can the sound of a fizzy drink be trade marked?. European Intellectual Property Review. 44 (2), 118-120

Antoniou, A., (2022). Swear-vertising: when does the advertising watchdog bark?. Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 27 (3), 111-123

Antoniou, A., (2022). Libel, social media, and celebrity journalism in the WAG-gate. Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 27 (4), 177-185

Antoniou, A., (2021). Can you keep a secret? The trail of confidential information and the need for reasonable enquiries. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. 16 (6), 468-472

Antoniou, A., (2021). Miley Cyrus ‘came in like a wrecking ball’: the American pop star succeeds in registering her name as an EU trade mark.. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. 16 (10), 1032-1034

Antoniou, A., (2021). Advertising regulation and transparency in influencers’ endorsements on social media. Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 26 (4), 190-207

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., (2020). Gender portrayals in advertising: stereotypes, inclusive marketing and regulation. The Journal of Media Law. 12 (1), 78-115

Antoniou, AK., (2018). Copyrightability and formats of television shows under English law. Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 23 (2), 89-92

Antoniou, A., (2018). Perfecting the Pitch: What Constitutes Sufficient Contribution to Give Rise to Joint Authorship?. Entertainment and Sports Law Journal. 16 (2)

Antoniou, A., (2018). When the litigation winner becomes the loser: undeserving claimants and mitigation of damages in libel claims. The Journal of Media Law. 10 (2), 128-158

Antoniou, AK. and Akrivos, D., (2017). Indecent images and defamatory meaning in late modern societies: taking ordinary, reasonable readers outside their ivory tower. Journal of Media Law. 9 (2), 155-172

Antoniou, AK. and Akrivos, D., (2016). Hulk Hogan and the demise of Gawker Media: wrestling with problems of celebrity voyeurism, newsworthiness and tabloidisation. Journal of Media Law. 8 (2), 153-172

Antoniou, A., (2013). Possession of Prohibited Images of Children: Three Years on. Journal of Criminal Law. 77 (4), 337-353

Antoniou, A. and Sinha, G., (2012). Laundering Sexual Deviance: Targeting Online Pornography through Anti-money Laundering. European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), 2012. 1412, 91-98

Books (2)

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., (2019). Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. 978-3-030-04911-9

Antoniou, AK. and Akrivos, D., (2017). The Rise of Extreme Porn Legal and Criminological Perspectives on Extreme Pornography in England and Wales. Palgrave MacMillan. 3319489712. 9783319489711

Book chapters (3)

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., (2024). Homosexuality, defamatory meaning, and reputational injury in English law. In: Diverse Voices in Tort Law. Editors: Horsey, K., . Bristol University Press/ Polity Press. 175- 200. 978-1529231663

Akrivos, D. and Antoniou, A., (2019). Introduction: Crime and Deviance through the Lens of Popular Culture. In: Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Editors: Akrivos, D. and Antoniou, A., . Springer. 978-3-030-04911-9

Akrivos, D. and Antoniou, A., (2019). Conclusion: Popular Criminology Revisited. In: Crime, Deviance and Popular Culture International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Editors: Akrivos, D. and Antoniou, A., . Springer. 335- 338. 9783030049126

Reports and Papers (2)

Antoniou, A. and Woods, L., (2022). Transparency of media ownership

Antoniou, A., Karapapa, S., Sarid, E., Woods, L. and Xu, T., (2020). Consultation on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property

Media (16)

Antoniou, A., BBC Radio 5 Sunday Breakfast show (2 Feb 2025). Audio

Antoniou, A. and Garner-Purkis, Z., Investigating Albania's drug farm influencers. Video

Antoniou, A. and Watson, S., BBC Radio Essex. Audio

Bardsley, D. and Antoniou, A., 'In a world with deepfake videos and images, can we tell reality and fiction apart?' The National (4 April 2023). Image

Antoniou, A. and Cookson, A., BBC Radio Kent, The Wake Up Call (Anna Cookson, 22 May 2023). Audio

Antoniou, A., The Quicky (Mamamia Australia). Audio

Antoniou, A., The Media Law Podcast (27 May 2022). Audio

Wyatt, I. and Antoniou, A., BBC Essex (Sonia Watson, 14 Dec. 2022). Audio

Antoniou, A., CNA938 - Singapore Today with Lance Alexander and Melanie Oliveiro (28 Sep 2021). Audio

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., Fintech banking app Tide faces backlash over gender stereotyping in ads. Image

Antoniou, A., The Media Law Podcast (5 Oct. 2021). Audio

Antoniou, A., BBC Radio Scotland - Mornings With Kaye Adams (4 Feb 2020). Audio

Antoniou, A., The Media Law Podcast (6 Nov. 2020). Audio

Antoniou, A., BBC Radio Scotland - John Beattie Show (16 Sep 2019). Audio

Antoniou, A., BBC Radio Scotland - Mornings With Kaye Adams (2 Oct 2019). Audio

Antoniou, A., The Media Law Podcast (10 Oct. 2019). Audio

Other (77)

Antoniou, A., Copyright protection extends to TV formats under English law. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(1)

Antoniou, A., First English 'right to be forgotten' trial against Google LLC. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(6)

Antoniou, A., Arabic satellite news channel in breach of the Ofcom rules on offensiveness. IRIS – Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(7),European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., Ofcom publishes research on online news consumption. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(9)

Antoniou, A., The High Court issues blocking injunction for boxing matches. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(10),European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., The High Court determines jurisdiction in online trademark infringement case. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(1)

Antoniou, A., The Law Commission publishes report on abusive and offensive online communications. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(1)

Antoniou, A., High Court awards damages for libellous child grooming tweet. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(2)

Antoniou, A., BBC Asian Network head cleared over role in naming victim of sexual abuse. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(3)

Antoniou, A., Government responds to its Call for Evidence on the impact of social media on the administration of justice. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(5)

Antoniou, A., Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law (Book Review). Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 27(2),Bloomsbury Professional

Antoniou, A., Review: Media and Entertainment Law by Ursula Smartt. Entertainment Law Review (UK). 34(7),Sweet and Maxwell

Antoniou, A., (2024).Ofcom Study on Audience Attitudes Towards TV Content. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2024(1),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2024).Brianna Ghey’s Murder: Unpacking Transphobia, Offender Anonymity, and the Impact of Sentencing Remarks. The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A., (2024).The House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee publishes its report on AI large language model. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2024(3),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2024).New communications offences enacted by the Online Safety Act 2023. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2024(4),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2024).Where is the legal line between celebrity worship and stalking?. The Conversation,The Conversation UK

Antoniou, A., (2024).Fin-fluencers face legal action for promoting unauthorised high-risk investments on social media. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2024(7),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2024).The FCA intensifies crackdown on unauthorised 'fin-fluencer' promotions. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2024(10),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).Ofcom reports on its first year of VSP regulation. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2023(1),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).Ofcom publishes research on viewers' attitudes to commercial references in TV programmes. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2023(2),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).The crudest, the lewdest and the foulest: dropping C-bombs and expletives in ads,The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A., (2023).New Standards Code launched by IMPRESS with AI future-focused provisions and a revised discrimination threshold. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2023(4),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).A first look into the UK’s draft Media Bill. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 5,IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).Repeal of the video-sharing platforms regime. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 6,IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).Ofcom guidance to broadcasters on synthetic media. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 6,IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).People need advanced reading skills to understand UK VSPs’ terms and conditions, Ofcom research finds. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2023(8),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).Sky secures new High Court order to block illegal streams. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2023(8),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2023).Review: Regulating Online Behavioural Advertising Through Data Protection Law by Jiahong Chen. Communications Law - Journal of Computer, Media and Telecommunications Law. 27(2),Bloomsbury Professional

Antoniou, A., (2023).The UK’s Online Safety Bill moves forward on path to becoming law. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2023(9),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2022).Advertising Regulation: 2021 Highlights and What’s Next in 2022. The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A. and Karapapa, S., (2022).The case of the caterpillar cakes: why legal protection for a shape is so hard to come by. The Conversation,The Conversation

Antoniou, A., (2022).Libel trial against investigative journalist concludes before the High Court: a landmark test of the public interest defence. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2022(3),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2022).Advertising watchdog publishes report on tackling harmful racial and ethnic stereotyping in ads. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2022(4),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2022).‘What the flock you looking at?’: the use of wordplay and bad language in ads. The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Antoniou, A., (2022).Wagatha Christie: what the Vardy v Rooney case can teach you about avoiding libel on social media. The Conversation,The Conversation UK

Antoniou, A., (2022).The BBC is prevented from identifying alleged MI5 informant accused of abusing former female partners. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2022(6),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2022).DCMS report on influencer culture points to regulatory gaps and calls for reforms. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2022(7),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2022).Wagatha Christie: what the judgment said, and what it means for future libel litigants. The Conversation

Antoniou, A., (2022).Broadcasters allowed to film from Crown Court sentencing hearings in England and Wales. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2022(8),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2022).DCMS report on influencer culture: no indication of a change of mood in the government response. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2022(10),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2021).UK radio station sanctioned by Ofcom over coronavirus conspiracy theories. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2021(2),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2021).A new change is introduced to the Code of Practice for British newspapers, magazines and news websites. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2021(2),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2021).Marketers in hot water: ASA rulings during the COVID-19 crisis,The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A., (2021).The UK’s advertising watchdog is losing patience with influencer marketing,The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A., (2021).Channel 5 makes public apology for “Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away!” broadcast. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2021(6),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2021).TV network sanctioned by Ofcom for the third time over harmful coronavirus related content. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2021(6),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., (2021).The new advertising rule tackling harmful gender stereotypes: two years on,The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A., (2021).Nevermind at 30: why the Nirvana baby lawsuit is a warning for parents. The Conversation,The Conversation UK

Antoniou, A., (2021).Ofcom clears ITV for Piers Morgan’s controversial comments about Meghan Markle. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2021(9),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2021).Ofcom publishes its research on offensive language on TV and radio. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2021(10),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., (2021).The BBC leaves Stonewall: choosing sides by remaining ‘impartial’?,The International Forum for Responsible Media

Antoniou, A., (2020).Community Radio Station Found in Breach of Ofcom's Offensiveness Rules. 2020(2),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2020).Television Cameras to be Allowed to Film in Crown Court in England and Wales. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2020(3),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2020).ICO Publishes its Age Appropriate Design Code of Practice. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2020(4),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2020).London Live sanctioned by Ofcom for broadcasting “potentially harmful” interview on coronavirus. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2020(6),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2020).Christian TV Network sanctioned by Ofcom for broadcasting “potentially harmful statements” about Coronavirus. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2020(7),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2020).If I could turn back time: the confusion between two TENETs and the role of trade marks. The International Forum for Responsible Media,International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Antoniou, A., (2020).ICO’s Age Appropriate Design Code comes into effect. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2020(9),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A. and Akrivos, D., (2020).The defamation ‘Drag Race’ against Laurence Fox,International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Antoniou, A., (2020).The Johnny Depp libel trial explained. The Conversation,The Conversation

Antoniou, A., (2020).ICO targets companies for seeking to illegally make profit from the current public health emergency. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2020(10),IRIS Merlin

Antoniou, A., (2019).Talk Radio in breach of Ofcom’s rules on harm and offence. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(4),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2019).The High Court refuses to disclose cockpit footage of air accident to the media. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(4),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2019).Irresponsible ad related to Brexit is banned by the Advertising Standards Authority,The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Antoniou, A., (2019).Suppressing undesired vocabulary: Advocate General on the registration of the trade mark ‘Fack Ju Göhte’,The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Antoniou, A., (2019).EU General Court rules Adidas’ three-stripe trade mark invalid,EU Law Analysis - Expert Insight into EU Law Developments

Antoniou, A., (2019).Vorsprung durch Technik? Audi scores victory in trade mark appeal before the EU General Court,EU Law Analysis - Expert Insight into EU Law Developments

Antoniou, A., (2019).Advertising Regulation: First ads to be banned under the new ASA gender-stereotyping rules,The International Forum for Responsible Media Blog

Antoniou, A., (2019).Zao’s deepfake face-swapping app shows uploading your photos is riskier than ever. The Conversation,The Conversation

Antoniou, A., (2019).UK regulator expands media literacy activities. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(8),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2019).Meghan Markle, Ben Stokes, Gareth Thomas: three reasons why UK press needs help to understand ‘public interest’. The Conversation,The Conversation

Antoniou, A., (2019).Ofcom extends the remit of the Advertising Advisory Committee. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 2019(10),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2018).Claim of joint authorship rejected by the IPEC in the Florence Foster Jenkins case. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(2),IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2018).Revised Editors’ Code of Practice. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(3)

Antoniou, A., (2018).The Government ends the Leveson Inquiry. IRIS – Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(5),European Audiovisual Observatory

Antoniou, A., (2018).Supreme Court rules on ISPs’ liability for website blocking fees. IRIS - Legal Observations of the European Audiovisual Observatory. 23(8)

Grants and funding


Development of educational resources on copyright for Learning on Screen

Learning on Screen - the British Universities and Colleges Film and Video Council


Additional legal capacity to the partnership team during the Online Safety Bill�s final stages before reaching Royal Assent

Carnegie UK

We Need to Talk About the Metaverse

University of Essex (QR Impact Fund)


Additional legal capacity for the Online Safety Bill

Carnegie UK

We Need to Talk About the Metaverse

University of Essex (CPPE)



4SB.4.3, Colchester Campus

Academic support hours:

By appointment only

More about me