School of Health and Social Care

Our events

Book cover of 'How do young people transitioning from care plan their future lives?
Book Launch: How do young people transitioning from care plan their future lives?

Thursday 11 April, 1–2pm on Zoom. 1hr CPD with the author Dr Peter Appleton (University of Essex) and Dr Meri Kulmala (University of Helsiniki)
. Chaired by Dr Sāgaradevī Barratt and Caroline Bald (University of Essex).

Register for the event
Three Professors outside the Lakeside Theatre at night
Professional Inaugural Lectures series

Discover how our research is changing the world at our Professional Inaugural Lectures.

Upcoming events
A blue and green background with "Louder than Words" in black text.
Podcast: Patient involvement improves lives

In this podcast from our "Louder than Words" series, staff from the School of Health and Social Care discuss the importance of patient participation to improve research and practice, and how neglecting patient and service user experiences has affected the response to Covid-19.

Listen to the podcast