We’ve been catching up with our Angels@Essex alumni to find out how they found our programme, and to celebrate their successes.

We talked to CEO Abhishek Nakhate from Zilter, a company on a mission to help universities make the admissions process seamless and efficient via automation and AI.

Initial goals

We discovered Angels@Essex via the UKBAA search facility. The Angels@Essex team responded quickly to our initial enquiry with details of their investment readiness service. Zilter aims to improve the efficiency of university admissions processes, with the help of automation and AI. Working with a university-based platform felt like ‘a good fit’, and perfect opportunity to access an audience of seasoned investors to help elevate our start-up pathway and gain visibility.

Working with the University of Essex was a key element in our achieving our primary goals of expanding our client base, as we have created a revenue generating product that aligns with their primary market.

Working with the team

We met with the Angels@Essex team to prepare for the pitching event in June 2022 with BritAsia TV. Following this, we tweaked our pitch to appeal to potential customers and found the value in spending time with William, Nitin and John to refine and understand the correct customer approach. We are continuously learning with their guidance and finding that every pitch is better than the previous one.

Joining the Angels@Essex platform has been extremely valuable the business, with the onboarding process aiding our value proposition and review processes. Angels@Essex are UKBAA partners, so this was a great source of new contacts for the wider Zilter team.

What's next?

Since joining the Angels@Essex platform, we have raised £585,000 and are valued at £5.36m. We hope to build on our success with the Angels@Essex team and continue raising the profile of our company and securing further investment. The Angels@Essex platform is easy to implement with low cost and risk, with the bonus of a dedicated team and events to get involved in.

Find out more

Angels@Essex is an invitation-only investment platform that links angel investors to entrepreneurs with innovative ideas, allowing new disruptive technologies to flourish.