Before my internship, the only job I had was a short stint at Domino’s about 6 years prior. I was very afraid of work to be honest and so I avoided getting a part-time job throughout my undergraduate degree, although I wish I had.

I was looking for jobs for about 5 months prior to my internship and not having much luck, I had a couple of interviews but for most I didn’t even get that far. I needed a job that I could be competent at – and these internships were extra option.

I did a lot of varied tasks in my internship, most days I was helping prepare for workshops or projects by getting equipment ready, preparing multimedia assets, or researching topics and ideas for future projects. On other occasions, I also accompanied Frazer teaching workshops in primary schools. I also helped out with their weeklong game development course, assisting students in different aspects of the software they were using.

The whole experience has made me feel less afraid that I’m incapable of succeeding or even surviving a job and less afraid of social aspects of jobs.

The internship and the projects I helped with are a great addition to my CV. It has thoroughly expanded my professional network (which admittedly was non-existent beforehand).

The main thing I gained from the experience was confidence, both professionally and personally. It improved my communication skills – both to an audience and to individuals. I’ve gained experience working on real world projects and dealing with my own limitations.

I would recommend Essex Interns to anyone. It is a great opportunity to try new things, learn about yourself and build connections.

Signals is a centre for creative digital learning. We specialise in film education, digital art and use media production for social, learning and creative outcomes. We support creativity and learning at all levels, including working with schools, community groups, the cultural and third sector and new talent.