Proceeding to the next year carrying 15 failed credits

Carrying failed credits is referred to as condonement in the Rules of Assessment. It’s important that you understand the implications of having failed 15 credits towards your overall degree. You can only fail a maximum of 30 credits’ worth of non-core modules across your whole Honours Degree.

Please read the relevant information on carrying failed credits below:

Carrying 15 failed credits from Year One

  • If you fail more than 15 non-core credits in the rest of your degree, following all available assessment attempts, you will not be able to progress on your course and will no longer be eligible for an Honours Degree. However, the Board of Examiners would consider whether you are eligible for an Exit Award.
  • As you have not achieved 120 credits in Year One you will not be eligible for a Certificate of Higher Education should you decide to withdraw from your studies without successfully completing further credits in Year Two.
  • Marks in Year One do not count towards your final Degree Mark and classification; however, marks from all years of study, including Year One, will appear on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) as will any failed credits.

Carrying 15 failed credits from Year Two with 120 passed credits from Year One

  • If you fail more than 15 credits in the rest of your degree, following all available assessment attempts, you will not be able to progress on your course and will no longer be eligible for an Honours Degree. However, the Board of Examiners would consider whether you are eligible for an Exit Award.
  • The Degree Classification rules are based on your Degree Mark and the number of credits you have achieved within a given class. Having a mark below a pass mark could lower your overall Degree Mark. For more information, see the full Rules of Assessment.

Carrying 15 failed credits from Year Two with 15 failed credits from Year One

  • If you fail any more credits in the rest of your degree, following all available assessment attempts, you will not be able to progress on your course and will no longer be eligible for an Honour’s Degree. However, the Board of Examiners would consider whether you are eligible for an Exit Award.
  • The Degree Classification rules are based on your Degree Mark and the number of credits you have achieved within a given class. Having a mark below a pass mark could lower your overall Degree Mark. For more information, see the full Rules of Assessment.
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Any questions?
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