
YUFE study abroad stall

Find out about YUFE international experiences and study opportunities

Come and speak to the YUFE Team to find out how to get an international experience through YUFE!

Calling all Essex students!

YUFE aims to be a leading model of a young, student-centred, non-elitist, open and inclusive European University. Essex is one of ten young universities helping to create one of the first true European Universities through the Young University for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance.

YUFE provides you with the chance to study at one of our European partners and get recognition for it in addition to your HEAR at Essex. You can tailor your YUFE Student Journey to develop the skills that will help you achieve your long-term goals.

YUFE study can be taken alongside your degree, be integrated and become a recognised part of your degree, or you can get involved in other opportunities like learning a language or taking entrepreneurial courses. It’s up to you how many opportunities you take advantage of and you have up to two years to take part once you have signed up. YUFE recognises and rewards each activity you participate in, however big or small. A selling point for future employers!

The key is to sign up and start taking advantage of the great YUFE opportunities you have access to as an Essex student.

Come by and see us at the YUFE stall from 11.00 - 14.00 on the following dates: 2 May, 9 May, 16 May 2024

In the meantime, if you would like any more information about this amazing opportunity, either email us via yufestudentmobility@essex.ac.uk or visit us at the Essex Abroad Office on Square 2.